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Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Payout Linkstoxx

Lihat Bukti Payout

ga disangka dan diduga, padahal niat awalnya cuma iseng-iseng lihat artikel dari entah mana dan kapan saya sendiri sudah lupa, waktu itu lihat artikel yang isinya situs pertemanan macam facebook tapi kita dibayar jika kita melakukan aktifitas tambah teman dan terima teman, cuma itu saja.... makanya dari awal saya agak ragu dan setengah hati, eh tau tau malam ini buka email dapet email pembayaran dari hasil iseng-iseng saya itu, walapun hasilnya ga seberapa..... kan itu langkah awal dan yang pasti tidak scam hehehehe

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Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

free download Hacker Evolution: Untold

Score: 94%
ESRB: Not Rated
Publisher: exosyphen studios
Developer: exosyphen studios
Media: Download/1
Players: 1
Genre: Themed/ Simulation

Graphics & Sound:
I have mentioned before that when I really like an original game, I am extremely leery of the sequel. When I played Hacker Evolution, I knew they had made a great game. Then I was extremely pleased with their progress in Hacker Evolution: Reinsertion. It was everything that I had liked about the original, just with more filling. Now they've released their latest creation, Hacker Evolution: Untold, and I was again both extremely excited and a little apprehensive.
The game looks exactly the same and one hundred times better. How can that be? Allow me a moment. Save the brilliant green background, all of your HUD elements look the same. The information is presented to you in the same manner as each of the previous iterations, but the difference is in the Visual map section. There have been many improvements to the feel of the game by adding improved visuals.

I said don't mess with the sound, and they didn't. I don't know why, but techno trance just fits in so nicely into the feeling of the game. With such a simple look, it is actually really cool to have such a huge immersion effect from just the soundtrack alone.

In Hacker Evolution: Untold, you assume the role of Brian Spencer. Through your exploits, you find that the very software you created is behind the fall of mankind. Now that machines have become sentient, they label you a threat, and now you must absolve yourself of a crime you didn't commit. It is a race to expose the program before machines take over, or before you are tried for the crime you didn't commit.
At its most basic level, the game can be explained as: find servers, hack servers, then loot servers. If it was this simplistic in practice, I would not be screaming for you to get this game as much as I am. There are over 20 commands that you will need to be accustomed to using. You may want to take a minute to read the user's manual that will accompany the download to familiarize yourself with them. You can always type "/help," if you need a quick refresher on the available commands.

All of the interface elements are still the same as before. If you haven't had the opportunity to try the other games, it breaks into four main areas of information. The first is the map. Servers you have found will appear on the map in their respective locations. You will also find the diagrams for the building you are trying to infiltrate. Second is your console. Here, you will enter the hacks necessary to bring down the machines before they bring you down. Your message window will display your incoming messages and point you in the right direction. Your computer status window shows you the capabilities of your computer. These can still be upgraded as you go along. There is a nice Neural Link that is expensive, but doubles your machine's current abilities. And, last is your status of money and the most important commodity in the game, trace.

Every time you crack and decrypt a server, the security on the other side has time to try and track you down. Being traced is a hacker's worst nightmare. Your trace is calculated in percentages. Reach 100% and you have been found and the level is over. There are ways to lower it and precautions to take in order to lessen it. You will learn these tricks quickly, that is, if you wish to survive.

The original titles were difficult for sure. Hacker Evolution: Untold is harder. Once you get the process down, you begin to get into the flow of the game and it becomes easier. I got a little cocky this time around, since I can call myself a veteran to the series by now. I toggled on the Dynamic Difficulty setting in the Options Menu, and the game treated me like a toy. There is so much more in every layer of servers and their security when you do this. You have to take even more care to make sure your trace levels are manageable. The better you do, the harder it gets. Even with all of the added depth and difficulty, it is still the ease of entry and the fact that this game is not about actually knowing how to do console scripting or real hacking. With the simple console commands and the well-designed story and missions from there, it is all a matter of the fact that you have missed an obvious clue or security level.

Game Mechanics:
The mechanics of Hacker Evolution: Untold are identical to the other iterations, so I tried to spend a great deal of time in the editor. The great folks over at exosyphen have always encouraged and supported the modding community. They provide a very easy to use editor, as well as the ability to purchase the straight source code if you have the chops to make use of it. I preferred the editor because after all, the point of the game is that illusion of being an almighty hacker. Kind of kills the illusion when you're looking at lines of code, Mountain Dew in hand, and don't really know what to do. My hat is off to those of you that can push code for real. The editor allowed all of the functionality it takes to be able to create very well told stories.
Players, if you're looking for a tool to be able to prove you can tell stories in games, again without all the pesky need of being able to code, this is a great tool. I had a slight issue when I first tried the editor in a heavily secured machine. But, it was an issue that was solved with a lot of time and tweaking of the security options on my machine.

It has become important to me recently to look at how I like to experience games. Or, more importantly, how I would like to experience games for their maximum effect. I would say that Hacker Evolution: Untold needs to be played in the dark, with your headphones on, with cold Mountain Dews within reach. If you could pull off the Cheetos fingerprints on the keyboard, it would be a plus. I am thinking of the scene from Live Free or Die Hard. If you could just recreate Kevin Smith's character's room in the basement, then you have it.

This is a no-brainer. If you liked the original games, get this one.. They just keep upping the stakes. If you like an actual intellectual challenge, get this game. If you just want a good tool to prove you can tell a story, get this game. If you have the recreation of Kevin Smith's basement from the movie, chances are you already have the game, so get a copy for a friend.

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Award Kedua ku

sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih buat teman-teman yang mengunjungi blog saya.. Alhamdulillah... saya dapat award lagi.. ^_^ apa lagi ini rangkap 2..... waahh....... saya ucapkan terima kasih buat: coretan-coretan di blog , Belajar Komputer, yang telah memberi saya award yang lucu ini... hehehe

award ini saya bagikan ke 10 sahabat blogger..:
Aiki blog
Asal Kamu Tahu Aja
Bahri's Blog
Belajar Komputer 
Belajar Ngeblog 
Beranda Kecilku 
big fish
Black Box

Aturan Main:
Bagi sobat yang menerima award ini diharuskan untuk membagikan kembali award ini kepada sepuluh orang temannya. Selanjutnya, sobat penerima award harus meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel masing-masing:

1. Perpustakaanku
2. Dolphin's Blog
3. Kumpulan PTC
4. Loudewik's Blog
5. All Information For Us
6. Sumber Informasi Untuk Kita
7. Coretan-Coretan Di Blog
8. bagus_funs'blog
9. Belajar Komputer
10. Dunia Software Full Version

Sebelum sobat-sobat meletakkan link-link di atas, hapus terlebih dahulu peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Peserta nomor 2 menjadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link da sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Tapi ingat...!!!, kalian semua harus adil dalam menjalankannya. Jika tiap penerima award mampu memberikan award ini kepada 5 orang saja dan mereka semua mengerjakannya , maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah:

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jumlah backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang sobat inginkan. Dari sisi SEO (Search Engine Optimation) sobat sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan keuntungannya, blog sobat akan mendapatkan traffic tambahan, apalagi jika ada yang meng-klik link ke blog sobat. Jadi, jangan sia-siakan award ini ya sobat!

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Award Pertamaku

Tak disangka dan diduga, akhirnya setelah ganti blog dari dunia software menjadi yang sekarang Dunia Software Full Version bisa merasakan manisnya berblogging ria, coz dah dapet award dari mas Qosim Beranda Kecilku. mungkin waktu pertama kali berblogging saya belum termotivasi untuk mengejar PR coz masih newbie banget, walaupun sampai sekarang masih sama... hehehehe lugu mode on :)

ini semua saya persembahkan buat teman-teman blog saya yang selalu setia memotivasi saya untuk tetap semangat... di antaranya : 
Ucapan terima kasih yang tak terhingga buat kalian semua yang selalu memotivasi aku untuk tetap semangat

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

free download campur-campur

Jadi begini ceritanya nih, semalam ada teman yang sms minta di posting beberapa software yang dia lagi butuh banget, makanya postingnya cap kilat. 

  • Net framework 2 yang berfungsi sebagai library untuk memperlancar beberapa program, yach bisa dibilang begitu dech... hehehehehee  lebay mode on :)

Bisa di download disini

  • Nlite yang berfungsi untuk menambahkan beberapa software atau driver lalu dibuat bootable cd or dvd, itu menurut saya si, hehehe
Bisa di download disini

  • Changelog SP3, dari namanya dah jelas banget kan. mungkin untuk  update menjadi SP3 yang pasti untuk OS windows lhoo
Bisa di download disini

  • Windows Genuine Advantage, dari namanya dah jelas juga nih.. menurut ane ci berfungsi untuk menghilangkan notofikasi bajakan pada XP anda
Bisa di download disini

  • Ultra ISO, waduh cape deeeeeech klo hare gene ga tau fungsi Utra ISO,,, lah wong nama eee aja udah jelas ISO... yang pasti untuk membuat file berextensi ISO ataupun untuk membaca file yang berextensi ISO juga lahhhhhh
Bisa di download disini

free download Driver Genius PE 9

Driver Genius Professional is a professional driver management tool features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver Genius provides such practical functions as driver backup, restoration, update and removal for computer users. If you often reinstall your operating system, you may not forget such painful experiences of searching all around for all kinds of drivers.
If unfortunately you have lost your driver CD, the search will be more troublesome and time-consuming. Now with the driver backup function of Driver Genius, you can backup all drivers in your computer before reinstalling, and restore them with the driver restoration function after system reinstallation has been completed. This will dramatically save your time for driver installation during the system installation procedure, and you will no longer worry about where to find a driver. Besides, you can create an automatic installation package for all drivers in your system by Driver Genius.

After you have reinstalled your operating system, you can restore all your drivers in just a click by this automatic restoration program. It's really convenient.

Driver Genius can automatically find driver for a device that the system can't find a driver for it. It can recognize the name and vendor's information of the device, and directly provide download URL for the required driver. Driver Genius also supports online updates for drivers of existing hardware devices. There are more than 30,000 most recent drivers for such hardware devices as motherboards, video cards, sound cards, network cards, modems, monitors, mice, keyboards, digital cameras, video capture cards, etc. on Driver Genius web site. Besides, there are daily updates for many drivers on our site. Our customers can obtain information for latest drivers by Driver Genius's LiveUpdate program, which can synchronize to the database on our site.

Backup, restore and update all your drivers in several mouse clicks. Get new driver for your computer now!
� Quickly backup device drivers for your computer.
� Just need one click to restore all drivers.
� Clone your drivers to an EXE auto-installer. Easy to install the drivers to many machines.
� Easy to get the most recent drivers for your computer. Keep your drivers up to date.
� Remove invalid drivers and useless drivers, improve system performance and stability.
� Device Diagnostics helps you locate a device that is not working properly or efficiently and offers an effective solution.
� Unlocks many hidden options in the NVIDIA display driver control panel. Including over clocking settings, AGP settings, Fan control, Stereo control, OpenGL 2.0 support, and more.


Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download Driver Detective 7

Take the frustration out of updating your drivers!

Driver Detective software is designed to quickly locate the most current drivers specific to your computer system through its user friendly interface and access to an extensive database. Driver Detective saves the frustration and extensive time investment usually associated with updating drivers. Features include:
Windows® Compatibility

Driver Detective works equally well with Windows® 7, Vista, XP Pro, XP Home, 2008 and 2008 R2 Server, 2003 Server, 2000 in 32 bit or 64 bit Editions.



Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

free download McAfee TP 2010

Every day, thousands of new viruses are created, so a regular installation of some security updates only is not enough. That is why McAfee Total Protection 2010 introduced the technology McAfee Active Protection. Unlike analogies, this function instantly analyzes and blocks new and emerging threats, without exerting any influence on the performance, revealing even more threats on your computer. Every day, thousands of new viruses are created, so a regular installation of some security updates only is not enough. That is why McAfee Total Protection 2010 introduced the technology McAfee Active Protection. Unlike analogies, this function instantly analyzes and blocks new and emerging threats, without exerting any influence on the performance, revealing even more threats on your computer. The new version of McAfee Total Protection 2010 has been completely redesigned and running faster. Enjoy an accelerated process of updating and verification. Reducing the load on working memory favorably affect the performance of your computer. This means that the work of McAfee Total Protection 2010 will be unnoticeable to you. Completely revised the main menu allows you to instantly obtain the required information. In the new menu hierarchy does not use pop-ups, and perform any command can be in just a couple of simple steps. Improved system of warnings and display the test results further simplify the security setting on your computer. How McAfee makes it possible to achieve this: • E-mail, chat, access to network - without any problems. Revolutionary technology of McAfee Active Protection delivers real-time protection and the highest probability of detection of modern threats. • Protect your information from new, unknown threats. New technology is capable of detecting unknown viruses and constantly to prevent new threats. • Free movement, searching the Internet, viewing Web sites. McAfee SiteAdvisor provides indication of the security Web site before you click, using color coding - red, yellow or green indicator. • Play and watch videos without fear of interruption, McAfee accelerated working without displaying messages in the background. To install this software and to receive automatic updates, internet connection is required to maintain security in the actual level. Allowed the installation of this product to a maximum of three home computers. Key features: • Antivirus protection • Protection against spyware • Protection from spam • Protection against phishing • Two-way firewall • Effective safety ratings websites • Protection of personal information • Parental Control • Backup Developer: McAfee Version: 2010 Year: 2010 Platform: Windows All Language: Russian, English Medicine: Built license

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download KIS 2011

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 the backbone of your PC’s security system, offering protection from a range of IT threats. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 provides the basic tools needed to protect your PC.
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 the all-in-one security solution that offers a worry-free computing environment for you and your family. Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 has everything you need for a safe and secure Internet experience. Kaspersky Internet Security 11.0 is a new line of Kaspersky Labs products, which is designed for the multi-tiered protection of personal computers. This product is based on in-house protection components, which are based on variety of technologies for maximum levels of user protection regardless of technical competencies. This product utilizes several technologies, which were jointly developed by Kaspersky Labs and other companies; part of them is implemented via online-services. Our products for home and home office are specifically designed to provide hassle-free and quality protection against viruses, worms and other malicious programs, as well as hacker attacks, spam and spyware. During product preparation several competitor offerings were considered and analyzed - firewalls, security suites systems, which position themselves as proactive in defence and HIPS systems. Combination of in-hosue innovative developments and results from analysis gathered through the industry allowed to jump onto a new level of protection for personal users, whereby offering even more hardened and less annoying computer protection from all types of electronic threats malicious programs of different types, hacker attacks, spam mailings, program-root kits, phishing emails, advertisement popup windows etc. Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 All Features: Essential Protection: * Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms * Blocks spyware and adware * Scans files in real time (on access) and on demand * Scans email messages (regardless of email client) * Scans Internet traffic (regardless of browser) * Protects instant messengers (ICQ, MSN) * Provides proactive protection from unknown threats * Scans Java and Visual Basic scripts

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

free download Visual Basic 2010

Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed is the most comprehensive, practical reference to modern object-oriented programming with Visual Basic 2010. Written by Visual Basic MVP Alessandro Del Sole, a long-time leader of the global VB community, this book illuminates the core of the VB language and demonstrates its effective use in a wide variety of programming scenarios.

Del Sole covers both Visual Basic 2010 Professional Edition for professional developers and the Express Edition for hobbyists, novices, and students. Writing for VB programmers at all levels of experience, he walks through using VB 2010 for data access, user interface development, networking, communication, and many other tasks. For those moving from structured languages—including VB 6—he offers detailed guidance on building effective object-oriented code. He also demonstrates how to make the most of Microsoft’s underlying .NET platform to write more robust and powerful software.

This book’s broad coverage includes advanced features such as generics and collections; a thorough introduction to the Visual Studio 2010 IDE and Visual Studio Team System; a full section on data access with ADO. NET and LINQ; practical overviews of WPF and WCF; coverage of web and cloud development with Silverlight and Azure; and advanced topics such
as multithreading, testing, and deployment.

Packed with practical examples, robust sample code, and expert tips from a leader of the worldwide VBcommunity
Thoroughly covers both the Professional Edition for working developers and the Express Edition for hobbyists, novices, and students
Offers invaluable guidance for thousands of long-time VB developers who want to learn the right way to develop object-oriented software

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download Mastering SQLServer 2000

Mastering SQLServer 2000
Sybex | ISBN: 0782126278 | 2000 | PDF | 1201 pages | 26.19 MB

Complete. Authoritative. Practical. The only SQL Server book you need. Mastering SQL Server 2000 is the one indispensable resource for anyone working with the latest version of SQL Server. Whether you build or administer SQL Server databases or write applications that communicate with them, you'll find the background knowledge and the practical instruction you need to accomplish any task, from the most basic to the most advanced.

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download Hacking the Cable Modem

Hacking the Cable Modem: What Cable Companies Don't Want You to Know

By Mr. Der Engel
First Edition September 2006
Publisher: No Starch Press
Pages: 312 (More details)

In the beginning there was dial-up, and it was slow; then came broadband in the form of cable, which redefined how we access the internet, share information, and communicate with each other online. Hacking the Cable Modem goes inside the device that makes Internet via cable possible and, along the way, reveals secrets of many popular cable modems, including products from Motorola, RCA, WebSTAR, D-Link, and more.

*Inside Hacking the Cable Modem, you'll learn: the history of cable modem hacking
* how a cable modem works
* the importance of firmware (including multiple ways to intall new firmware)
* how to unblock network ports and unlock hidden features
* hot to hack and modify your cable modem
* what uncapping is and how it makes cable modems upload and download faster

Written for people at all skill levels, the book features step-by-step tutorials with easy to follow diagrams, source code examples, hardware schematics, links to software (exclusive to this book!), and previously unreleased cable modem hacks

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download QuickStart Adobe Photoshop CS5

Get ready to jump into the exciting world of Adobe Photoshop CS5. Geoff Blake's QuickStart! course will get you up to speed on this industry-standard image-editing software in no time at all. He will also demonstrate some of the amazing new features found inside the latest version including the new Refine Edge dialog box, inserting layered PSD Smart Objects, On Image editing, and more. You will learn the techniques and skills to masterfully handle photos, resize images, and create layered layouts. Finally, he'll show you Photoshop's powerful color correction tools, as well has how to non-destructively adjust images to look their best. Work files are included. 

Release: VTC.com.QuickStart.Adobe.Photoshop.CS5.Tutorials-iRONiSO
Size: 167 MB
Type: Bookware

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download Pro Evolution Soccer-PES 2010

Pro Evolution Soccer - PES 2010 [FULLRiP - Skullptura]
PC Game | Konami Entertainment | 23 Oct 2009 | English | Sport | 1.95 Gb
PES 2010 title benefits from the most exhaustive raft of new features in the series' history, with every aspect of the game adjusted with key improvements. The Tokyo-based development team has collated feedback on the series' strengths and weaknesses via fan forums, both ardent and casual PES players and press comment, and has incorporated a wide range of requests in the new game.

Minimum Pc requirements:
Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, Windows 7
Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz
1GB RAM, 17GB HD free space
Graphic Card compatible with DirectX 9.0c, 128MB Pixel Shader 2.0 ( NVIDIA GeForce FX or AMD/ATI Radeon 9700 or better)
Sound Card compatible with DirectX 9.0c, DirectX 9.0c o higher

1. Disable UAC on Vista or 7
2. Extract .rar archive
3. Run setup.bat
4. Follow on-screen instructions

400 mb part;

Download at Part
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download 3D Girlz Forever

3D Girlz Forever is a modern super-erotic three-dimensional simulation of virtual sex with a delightful animation,
professionally erotic soundtrack and an unlimited number of sexual positions, voplaschayuschy all erotic
fantasies into reality. All restrictions and censorship is completely absent. Choose a girl to your taste, or
several, and entertained by how much will your imagination. The feeling of presence in the gameplay are
delighted and gives gamers an unforgettable pleasure.

Title: 3D Girlz Forever
Genre: Virtual Game
Developer: 3Dgirlz
Year: 2010
Platform: PC
Interface Language: English
Medicine: Present
Size: 240 Mb
System requirements:
- System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Se7ven
- Processor: Pentium 4 or equivalent
- Memory: 512 Mb
- Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 5800, ATI Radeon 9800Pro, or better
- Audio-card: compatible with DirectX 9.0
- 1.0 GB free hard disk space
- Microsoft DirectX 9.0c
Installation Notes:
* Unpack
* Install
* run it with administrative control

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download Mortal Kombat 5 Deadly Alliance

Mortal Kombat 5 Deadly Alliance (PC)
Enter the realm of Mortal Kombat! You are a combatant in Mortal Kombat, a fight for the survival of Earth! Choose from 15 characters, including the legendary Liu Kang and the mighty Scorpion, each with their own special moves and fatalities. Choose to fight in the single player campaign, complete with several difficulties and unique endings for each character. Take on a friend in the Multiplayer mode or see how long you can last in the Endurance mode.

Thousands of years ago, Shinnok existed as an Elder God. The Elder Gods are the true rulers of all realms. They watch as worlds are created and destroyed and govern the realms with untold eons of wisdom. Shinnok, however, gave in to greed and illusions of false power through the new realm of Earth. If he could have that realm to himself, he would have power unmatched. To accomplish his goal, he first would have to face the god of thunder known as Raiden, who was appointed as Earth?s guardian by the Elder Gods themselves. Their battle for the realm of Earth was fierce; causing the planet?s near destruction and plunging it into centuries of darkness.

Number of Players: 1-2
Minimum System Requirements

System: Pentium-600 or equivalent
RAM: 128 MB
Hard Drive Space: 90 MB


*burn or mount
*run desktop icon
*No need of Crack
Download at Part
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

free download Super Email Harvester

Super Email Harvester extracted mail servers address from DNS automatically. It connects to the found SMTP servers and simulates the sending of message, but does not come to the message sending - Super Email Harvester disconnect as soon as mail server informs whether this address exists or not. Super Email Harvester can work fine with 90% of email servers in the world.

Features of "Super Email Harvester":
� Easy to use! Just input an email address, and press the "Search" button. The program will start to search bulk email address and send bulk email.
� Safe! NO any trouble with your ISP. Super Email Harvester only verifies bulk email address via email server, Do NOT use the smtp(port 25) of your local ISP.
� Sends Bulk Email! Allows you send bulk email to every valid email address while search.
� Fast! Supports multi-threads (multi connections to the email server).
� Intelligent! If the mail server interrupts the connection, Super Email Harvester will reconnect to the email server automatically and continue searching.

Download Here + Crack include
Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download Auto Mail Sender

Auto Mail Sender (AMS) is used to send e-mails automatically at anytime and any frequency as you expect, it satisfies all your mailing requirements. You can set automatic sending time yearly, monthly (contains last day and serial number (contains last) of weekday), weekly, daily and specific date and time. AMS provides all the traditional mail elements/functions and some distinctive elements/functions such as sending mail via the proxy server, WYSIWYG HTML mail editor, read receipt receiver, senders/reply receivers list, virtual sender/reply receiver/sending time, selecting receivers from the txt/csv/xls files and the Outlook Express address book, saving recipients to txt/csv/xls files, sending e-mails one by one, and so on.

Key Features:
- Sending schedule.
- Sending one by one.
- Repeat sending.
- Macros supportable.
- SMTP accounts list and automatic selecting the available one if failed.
- Proxy servers list and automatic selecting the available one if failed.
- WYSIWYG HTML email editor.
- Read receipt receiver.
- Senders/reply receivers list.
- Custom sender/reply receiver/sending time.
- Selecting receivers from the txt/csv/xls(x) files and system address book (WinXP-).
- Input prompt.
- Saving recipients to txt/csv/xls(x) files.
- Data export/import.
- Creating the popular SMTP accounts directly.
- Supports selecting sheet(s)/previewing workbook when select recipients from Excel document.
- Supports all versions of Excel document for the selecting and saving recipients functions.

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

free download REAPER 3.60

REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project).REAPER supports ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut, and DirectSound for playback and recording. It reads WAV, OGG, and MP3 files, and records WAV files. You can arrange any number of items in any number of tracks and use audio processing plug-ins (DirectX and Jesusonic). REAPER also supports volume, pan controls and envelopes per track, multi-layer undo/redo, and user creatable color themes.

Basic features:

- Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media

- 64 bit audio engine

- Excellent low-latency performance

- Multiprocessor capable

- Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.

- Extremely flexible routing

- Fast, tool-less editing

- Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)

- Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects

- ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite

- Tightly coded - installer is just over 2MB

Editing features:

- Tool-less mouse interface -- spend less time clicking

- Drag and drop files to instantly import them into a project

- Support for mixing any combination of file type/samplerate/bit depth on each track

- Easily split, move, and resize items

- Each item has easily manipulated fades and volume

- Tab to transient support

- Configurable and editable automatic crossfading of overlapping items

- Per-item pitch shift and time stretch

- Arbitrary item grouping

- Markers and envelopes can be moved in logical sync with editing operations

- Ripple editing - moving/deletion of items can optionally affect later items

- Multiple tempos and time signatures per project

- Ability to define and edit project via regions

- Automation envelopes

Download Here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

free download SpeedUpMyPC 2010

SpeedUpMyPC 2010 yang mempunyai system tools dan memiliki banyak feature untuk memaksimalkan kinerja Computer anda. Software ini berkerja sangat lah sederhana tergantung kita sendiri menggunakan nya seperti apa , yang jelas setiap software mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan, kesamaan dalam memproses sytem kinerjanya masing – masing.
Dengan software ini kita mudah untuk memonitor dan control penggunaan system dalam komputer kita. Seperti penggunaan memory, cpu, internet, dan lainnya. Juga terdapat feature one click yang akan membuat komputer kita menjadi cepat dan optimal.

Di software ini terdapat feature :

  • Memory Optimization yang akan meningkatkan serta mengoptimalkan memory RAM kita dari Problems dan Crashes.
  • CPU Optimization yang akan memonitor penggunaan CPU di OS kita. Jadi kit abisa melihat dan monitor serta memilih aplikasi2 apa saja yang lebih di utamakan (application Booster)
  • Disk Optimization, bisa melihat load yang berjalan pada HDD
  • Internet Optimization, dengan menu ini kita bisa meningkatkan kecepatan Koneksi Internet. Karena mengoptimalkan penggunaan bandwidth yang kita miliki dan menyesuaikannya pada browser kita termasuk untuk beberapa settingan yang berhubungan dengan koneksi kita
  • Start Up Optimization, dengan feature ini kita bisa mengatur Aplikasi2 Start Up pada PC kita. Jadi yang dianggap tidak perlu bisa kita disable sehingga akan mempercepat proses loading ketika computer / laptop kita pertama kali di hidupkan
  • Clean Up, didalam menu ini terdapat feature : File Clean Up, Privacy protector, File Shredder, lalu Uninstall Manager

  • Automatic scanning system performance
  • Overview of CPU
  • Improving the functionality of the processor
  • Review the use of RAM
  • Optimize RAM
  • Review the use of disk space
  • Analyzing and defragmenting hard drives
  • Analysis and optimization of the speed of Internet connections
  • Startup Manager
  • Task Manager
  • System Overview and recommendations for increasing its productivity
  • Crawling on unnecessary or unwanted data
  • Complete destruction of confidential data (optional)
  • Manager to uninstall the program
  • Nice and easy interface yuzersky
  • Run program at startup (optional)
  • Automatically start scanning the system at boot program (optional)
  • Run, program icon in system tray
Download here or here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download USB Disk Security

Disk Security merupakan salah Tool yang sering digunakan untuk memproteksi autorun dari USB drive seperti Flashdisk, Hdd Portable atau Storage apapun yang menggunakan Port USB sebagai media transfernya (proteksi ke-3 setelah antivirus Aviken dan Nod32. Setelah anda menginstal tools ini akan ada konfirmasi apakah anda akan mendisable autorun dari USB drive yang terdeteksi saat dihubungkan dengan komputer. Klik OK dan USB disk security akan segera diaktifkan.

Kelebihan dari tools ini yaitu:

  1. USBShield akan memonitor (realtime protector seperti yang dimiliki PCMAV RTP), dari file atau program yang dianggap membahayakan sistem komputer anda
  2. USBScan menggunakan heuristic analyzer (Mengecek file atau program baru atau tidak diketahui yang berpotensi mengancam keamanan sistem anda).

USB Disk Security
adalah software yang dikhususkan untuk scanning virus di USB dan monitoring komputer kita ketika offline. USB Disk Security memberikan 100% proteksi kepada USB Flashdisc dan komputer offline terhadap threats via USB drive. Disaat software lainnya hampir tidak ada yang bisa memberikan garansi proteksi hingga 90%, USB Disk Security memberikan garansi proteksi keamaan USB Flashdiscj dan Komputer offline hingga 100%.

USB Disk Security secara sempurna akan melindungi komputer offline anda. USB Disk Security sangat cerdas sehingga tidak membutuhkan update secara rutin dan komputer anda tidak harus online, karena USB Disk Security mempunyai kecerdasan heuristik untuk menentukan mana virus dan mana yang bukan. USB Disk Security bisa mendeteksi virus – virus terbaru tanpa anda harus repot – repot update setiap hari.

USB Disk Security sangat ringan, cepat dan tidak akan membebani performance komputer anda. Dapatkan keamanan maksimal untuk USB flashdisk dan komputer offline anda dari serangan virus dengan USB Disk Security

Download here or here

Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

free download Error Repair Professional

Repair Professional 4.2.0 adalah software yang akan menjaga performa komputer anda tetap terjaga. Error Repair Professional 4.2.0 akan secara otomatis melakukan scan, identifikasi, menghilangkan dan memperbaiki error yang terjadi di komputer anda dengan sekali klik.
Error Repair Professional 4.2.0 akan menghilangkan segala error yang ada di komputer anda dengan mudah dan hanya dengan beberapa klik saja. Error Repair Professional 4.2.0 akan melakukan scan pada registry dan mencari kesalah entry serta akan memberikan informasi tentang masalah dan kesalahan yang terjadi di registry anda.
Error Repair Professional 4.2.0 tidak hanya akan membuat komputer anda lebih stabil, tetapi juga akan membuat komputer anda berjalan dengan lebih cepat karena Error Repair Professional 4.2.0 akan memperbaiki semua kesalahan dan error yang ada pada komputer anda hingga mencapai performa terbaiknya.
Error Repair Professional 4.2.0 ia registry cleaner yang menggunakan kinerja tinggi-kesalahan identifikasi algoritma untuk mengidentifikasi dengan cepat hilang dan tidak sah referensi dalam registri Windows Anda. Akan aman bersih dan perbaikan registri Windows masalah dengan beberapa klik sederhana dan memungkinkan Anda untuk menikmati bersih dan lebih efisien PC. Error Repair Professional akan menjamin bahwa Anda menghapuskan kesalahan di syaraf pusat PC.

Windows Registry adalah saraf pusat dari PC dan masalah dengan Windows Registry adalah umum menyebabkan Windows crash dan pesan kesalahan. Masalah ini dapat terjadi karena berbagai alasan termasuk menguninstall perangkat lunak dengan miskin un-instalasi rutinitas, hilang atau rusak oleh driver perangkat keras, sistem menghapus file dan yatim piatu startup program. Dengan menggunakan Perbaikan Kesalahan Profesional secara teratur untuk memperbaiki kesalahan dalam Windows registry, sistem anda seharusnya tidak hanya menjadi lebih stabil, tetapi juga akan membantu Windows boot lebih cepat.

Windows registry adalah database yang menyimpan pengaturan dan pilihan untuk sistem operasi Microsoft Windows versi 32-bit, versi 64-bit. Berisi informasi dan setting untuk semua hardware, software, pengguna, dan preferensi dari PC. Setiap kali pengguna membuat perubahan ke "Control Panel" pengaturan, atau file asosiasi, sistem kebijakan, atau perangkat lunak diinstal, perubahan tercermin dan disimpan dalam registri.

Download at here or here
Password : send mail to ziexnanan@yahoo.com

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

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