Srinu Vytla’s super hit directorial Ready is being remade in Bollywood with Salman Khan and Asin in the leads. The first look trailer of the film is recently out and surprisingly, the trailer carried out the music of DSP’s number Ringa Ringa.
The producer of Ready, Bhushan Kumar has finally confirmed that they roped in Devi Sri Prasad to score this number after the Telugu track becoming so popular across all corners. While the entire album of Ready was scored by Pritam, the Dhinka Chika track alone has been scored by Devi.
Salman Khan who loved the Telugu track has asked the film-makers of Ready to involve the track in he film. So, the producer got in touch with DSP and finally the song came out.
“The rights of 'Ringa Ringa' are with another music company but DSP was free to do it in Hindi. So we made a few changes and finally came out with 'Dhinka Chika' instead of 'Ringa Ringa,” said the producer Bhushan Kumar to Times of India.
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