The biggest multi-starrer film casting Genelia, Prithviraj, Prabhu Deva, Arya, Nithya Menon in the lead roles is gearing up for its release in August. Meanwhile, the logo of the film was launched in Prasad Labs, Hyderabad grandly where VV Vinayak, Bellamkonda Suresh, Ramesh Puppala, Alankar Prasad, Bhimineni Srinivas Rao et al graced the event. V.V. Vinayak launched the logo of the film while Bellamkonda Suresh unveiled the trailer.
Urimi is Telugu dubbed version of Malayalam blockbuster film directed by Santhosh Sivan. The film also casts Vidya Balan and Tabu in special roles. Shobha Rani of SVR Media banner acquired the rights of the Telugu version of the film. The audio is likely to be launched in the next week.
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