Kajal Agarwal, who made her debut in Bollywood recently with the film Singham has walked on the ramp at the India International Jewellery Week (IIJW). Kajal proved to be a successful actress in South by acting in over 20 Telugu and Tamil films and has finally hit gold by debuting opposite Ajay Devgan in Rohit Shetty's "Singham.
The 26 year old actress wore a yellow off shoulder gown with a beautiful neck and year set of diamonds at the ramp who was a show stopper at IIJW on day 2. Kajal says that she was excited about it and wasn’t nervous, though it was her first ramp walk.
"I'm wearing this beautiful yellow piece from the moon collection. It's pearls with uncut diamonds. It's unique and exquisite it has lovely amalgamation of classic and contemporary which works very well. It’s basically meant for brides," Kajal told reporters.
Kajal Agarwal Photo Gallery
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