Synopsis: On an oil supply platform, located south of Jeju Island, Hae-Joon (Ha Ji-Won) works as a apparatus manager for a small, though dedicated crew. Joining a organisation is Jung-Man (Ahn Sung-Ki), a former co-worker of Hae-Joon's late father, and now newly reserved captain of a platform's underwater exploratory boat "Eclipse." Though his pursuit is to manage a withdrawal of a platform, Jung-Man suggests conducting one final drilling. After 3 weeks of preparation, Hae-Joon and another organisation member dive underwater to work on partial of a platform. While behaving their work, her partner sinks into a abyss due to an apparatus failure. When Hae-Joon gets behind on a height some-more organisation members start to die off in puzzling ways. What they shortly learn is that an underwater beast has come aboard a oil supply height and is feeding off a organisation members. Hae-Joon and her co-workers contingency now quarrel for their really lives, while Captain Jung-Man binds a pivotal to a monster's reappearance
Info: | Also Known As: 7?? (7-gwang-goo) | Country: South Korea | Language: Korean | Subtitle: English
Release date in South Korea : 2011/08/04 | Genre: Action •Adventure •Science-Fiction •Thriller | Quality/Source: HDRip.Xvid-P2P | Subtitle: Enghardsubbed | Format: matroska (MKV) | Size : 407MB
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