Eiji The array focuses on Gentaro Kisaragi, a second-year tyro during Amanogawa High School who has a bad-boy picture though seeks to make friends with those he meets during a propagandize by combining a Kamen Rider Club for questioning a civic legends of a past Kamen Riders in a area. He is assimilated in a bar by Kengo Utahoshi, who has a bizarre switch-like device called an Astro Switch, along with entrance by his locker to a lunar bottom called a Rabbit Hatch and a super-bike famous as a Machine Masshigler, and Yuki Jojima, a self-professed space otaku who also knows of a Astro Switches and a lunar base. They are against by third-year tyro Miu Kazashiro, a cheerleader and a self-appointed black of Amanogawa High; assisted by Shun Daimonji, third-year tyro captain of a school's American football team; Tomoko Nozama, a first-year tyro and Goth lady who always carries around her inscription computer; and JK, another first-year tyro who mostly trades secrets for favors. The second-year homeroom clergyman and classical novel clergyman is Sarina Sonoda, who all of her students trust, and Chuta Ohsugi serves as a school's geoscience teacher. There is also a puzzling red-eyed male who is seen around Amanogawa High who gives out puzzling equipment called Zodiarts Switches, that renovate people into constellation-themed monsters famous as Zodiarts.
Format : rmvb
Audio : Japanese
Subtitle : English [Hardsub]
Sub Group : Tv-Nihon
Release : 2010
MediaFire Link
Episode 01 I Episode 02 I Episode 03 I Episode 04 I Episode 05 I Episode 06 I Episode 07 I Episode 08 I Episode 09 I Episode 10 I Episode 11
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