Actress Katrina Kaif, who also made her presence in Telugu film industry, has been voted as world’s sexiest woman successively third time. Katrina in her initial stages of her film career stepped into Tollywood with ‘Malliswari’ opposite Venkatesh. She was also seen in Bala Krishna’s ‘Allari Pidugu’. After she received success in Bollywood, Kat has never signed any of the regional films in South.
Katrina has been voted as the Sexiest Woman in the World in the London based newspaper Eastern Eye’s list for the third time in a row beating all the other competitive actresses. The poll was held on all the top actresses across the world, pop stars and TV personalities. Kat was quite happy with this hat-trick and thanked one and all for their support.
Katrina Kaif says, “I’m very happy that I have made it to the top of Eastern Eye’s list again. England is off course a very special place to me and I think it’s very sweet to be voted the sexiest by them. I just want to thank everyone for the support.”
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