Ravi Teja, Richa Gangopadhyaya and Deeksha Seth starrer Mirapakaya has finally got its release date. The film which was supposed to release in the mid December will now release on 12th January joining the Pongal race with Bala Krishna’s Parama Veera Chakra, Sumanth’s Golconda High School and Siddharth’s Anaganaga Oka Dheerudu.
Mirapakaya is said to be full-length action entertainer with ample dosage of mass elements. Directed by Harish Shankar and produced by Ramesh Puppala under Yellow Flowers banner, the film is said to be made lavishly. Thaman has scored the music for the film.
Mirapakaya Movie Review
Richa Gangopadhyaya Hot Photos
Deeksha Seth Spicy Photos
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