Stylish star Allu Arjun, who was recently engaged with Sneha Reddy, is getting ready for marriage. Allu Arjun’s marriage date fixed on March 6th, 2011. Knowing that Allu Arjun’s marriage is a big event, the HITEX Grounds, Hyderabad has been selected as the venue. Sources said that the family elders from both sides decided on the venue at a meeting held here. However, the wedding reception will be held on March 9 at Palakollu, in West Godavari district. Palakollu is the native place of Allu Arjun’s grandfather and noted comedian of yesteryear Allu Ramalingaiah.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun is currently busy in wrapping up Badrinath. V.V. Vinayak is directing the film while Allu Aravind producing the film under Geetha Arts banner. Tamanna is pairing up with Allu Arjun in this film.
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