'Jai Bholo Telangana' film releasing on 4th February 2011. Censor Board cleared 'Jai Bolo Telangana' with 'A' certificate. The story of this film revolves around the movement for separate Telangana. N Shankar directed TRS president K Chandrasekhar Rao for 'Jai Bholo Telangana' movie.
KCR Introducing as Lyric Writer in 'Jai Bolo Telangana'
In N Shankar's 'Jai Bolo Telangana' movie TRS chief KCR introducing as Lyric Writer. The song begin with 'Garadi Chesthundru... Garadi Chesthundru' lines, KCR has to finish remain song. Revolutionary singer Gaddar also writing songs for 'Jai Bolo Telangana'. Chakri composing music.
Jai Bolo Telangana Movie Review
Jai Bolo Telangana Movie Wallpapers
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