Allu Arjun’s forthcoming film Badrinath under the direction of V.V.Vinayak is currently undergoing its post-production works and the dubbing part of the film has started. The film-makers had earlier planned to release the film in March but the current reports say the movie might be postponed to May.
Allu Arjun will be seen as an Indian Samurai, who romance white beauty Tamannah in the film. This socio-fantasy film is being made with a budget of 40 crores. V.V.Vinayak is wielding the megaphone for this expensive project and Chinni Krishna has penned the script. Being a socio-fantasy flick, Badrinath is expected to have good number of Visual effects. Allu Aravind is producing the movie under Geetha Arts banner. M.M.Keeravani is composing the music and Ravi Varman is cranking the camera.
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