Ram Gopal Varma’s Dongala Mutha is gearing up for its release on this Friday on 18th March. The movie has completed its censor formalities and has acquired U certificate from the Censor Board. It is known that Varma has wrapped up the entire shooting of Dongala Mutha with Cannon 5D cameras in just 5days with an investment of 6.5lakhs.
The movie is touted as a comedy thriller and Ravi Teja, Charmi, Prakash Raj, Brahmanandam, Manchu Lakshmi are playing the lead roles in the film. Just like all the films of RGV, Dongala Mutha too has created enough hype among the audience and the media for being wrapped up in 5days.
Charmi Hot Photos
Dongala Mutha Title Music Trailer
Dongalamutha Movie Wallpapers
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