There has been news that Ram Charan and Allu Arjun are acting together for a film in Vamsi Paidipalli’s and it would be the biggest multi-starrer in the recent times. The news has created lots of excitement among the mega fans as the two mega heroes are pairing up. But, Ram Charan has informed that they are just rumors and Allu Arjun is not the part of the project.
“I will let u all know if I’m doing a movie with bunny. for now its a rumor,” twitted Ram Charan in micro blogging site. The movie will take shape in the hands of Vamsi Paidipalli, who has given a super hit with Brindavanam. Ram Charan has also informed that the film will be produced by PRP MLA Ganta Srinivas and Ram Charan’s Brother-in-law Vishnu. The formal announcement will be made soon.
As of now, Ram Charan will start the regular shoot of his next film Rachha with Tamannah as the female lead and Sampath Nandi as the director.
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