Stylish Star Allu Arjun is all set to team up with one of the talented directors of Tamil cinema Selva Raghavan for a new film. Allu Arjun is currently wrapping up his Badrinath and simultaneously finalizing his next projects. His film with Selva Raghavan is confirmed and Harris Jayaraj has been penciled in to score the music for the film. The multi-faceted beauty Shruti Haasan is pairing up with the Stylish Star in the film.
“I am starting my next Telugu film by August with Allu Arjun and Shruti on the lead for which Selvaragavan does the direction,” twitted Harris in a micro-blogging site.
Selvaraghavan is currently directing a Tamil flick ‘Irandam Ulagam’ and he also have a project Viswaroopam with Kamal Haasan. However, Viswaroopam was right now on hold for few reasons and Selvaraghavan, meanwhile is in plans to complete Allu Arjun, Shruti Haasan’s film.
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