Yuvaratna Balakrishna has lodged a complaint to Deputy Commissioner of police J.Satyanarayana at Central Crime Station (CCS) against a website Ihatebalayya.com, which is creating jokes and spoof videos defaming Bala Krishna and Jr.NTR.
The cops, who started out investigating has found that the server of that derogatory website is in Sydney, Australia and it has been registered at godaddy.com, a US based firm. Now the website is blocked.
Apart from the website, Bala Krishna also informed about the sms jokes that are being forwarded on Bala Krishna and NTR, which is damaging the image of Nandamuri family. The cops are trying to find out the culprits.
As a compound effect, another website ihatechiru.com is also reportedly closed. Well, let us wait to see who is next in the list.
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