Ram Charan, who is yet to start his next movie after the debacle of Orange has okayed his next film, says the buzz. Merupu movie is officially shelved and Sampath Nandi will direct this film on Mega Supergood Films banner. He has made his directorial debut with Yemaindi Ee vela movie starring Varun Sandesh and Nisha Agarwal.
Despite being panned by critics, Yemaindi Ee Vela did well at the box office due to its content, which is targeted at youngsters. Sampath has readied a mass subject and has narrated it to Ram Charan few days ago for which the star gave a go ahead.
However, any official announcements regarding this movie aren’t out yet as the producers and Ram Charan are playing waiting game before kick starting Sampath’s film. Ram Charan is still tossing with the idea of hearing better scripts from better directors it seems.
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