Actor Sharwanand is all set to share screen with the Malyalam Super Star Mammoty for one of his new films titled Keeravani. Mammoty appeared in Telugu films such as Swathi Kiranam, Dalapathi and Priyuralu Pilichindi. The actor is back after a long time with the film Keeravani.
Touted as a musical entertainer, the movie is being directed by Venkat P S. Siri Laxmi Sindhu Cine Creations is producing the film. The movie is all set to hit the floors from 23rd February.
Other cast includes Jayapradha, Suman, Prabhu, Tanikella Bharani, Shobhana, Sita, M S Narayana, Bramhanandam, Ali, Hema, Dharmavarapu Subramaniam.
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