Rajamouli has announced the details of his next flick today at Cinemax, Hyderabad. Young Rebel Star Prabhas is playing the lead role in this mega budget period film, which will be released in Telugu and Tamil versions. Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni will produce it under Arka Media banner while K.Raghavendra Rao presents it.
Informing the details about this film, Rajamouli says that the budget of this film will fall in between 50-70 crores, which is twice the budget of all-time hit film Magadheera. The movie will be a full-length period film with rich visual effects.
The film has music by M M Keeravani, art by Ravindra editing by Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao, fights by Peter Heins and Visual effects by Makuta.
Mr Perfect Censor Talk
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